수요일, 3월 15, 2006

How to use 'vim' ? - (1)

Q: How can I disable annoying ~ (backup) file?
A: Try to 'help backupdir'. Ex) set backupdir=$VIMRUNTIME\backup
After this, all backup file will be stored to this backup directory.

Q: How can I change syntax highlighting color?
A: Try to use color scheme from $VIMRUNTIME\colors folder.
Ex) source $VIMRUNTIME/colors/darkblue.vim

Q: How can I add new file extension to syntax highlighting candidate?
A: Add extension string to $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim file
Ex) Add jpp extension to Java syntax highlighting
- 1. Open filetype.vim file
- 2. Find Java
- 3. Add jpp => au BufNewFile,BufRead *.java,*.jav,*.jpp setf java

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